Good news: contrary to Standard-PPL most position symbols are not restricted to first orbit preflop only. You can use them in later orbits too and also postflop.
Positions are always BU — CO — MP3 — MP2 — MP1 — EP3 — EP2 — EP1 — BB — SB. If there are less than 10 players at the table, then some of the early positions will be missing (EP1 — EP2, etc.). Symbols like “InButton” can be spelled in two different ways: “InButton” or just “Button”.

Name | Meaning | Limitations |
FirstCallerPosition |
The position of the first caller
(big blind = 0 (although this can not happen), small blind = 1, then counter-clockwise till UTG = 9) |
First orbit preflop only |
FirstRaiserPosition |
The position of the first raiser
(big blind = 0, small blind = 1, then counter-clockwise till UTG = 9) |
First orbit preflop only |
InBigBlind | True, if you are big blind. OpenPPL is smart enpugh to detect a missing small blind (e.g. he busted in a tournament). In this case the player to the left of the dealer will be big blind. | None |
InButton | True if you are button (last to act postflop) | None |
InCutOff | True, if you are CutOff (right to the button; this position exists only, if the game is at least 4-handed, otherwise the symbol will always be false) | None |
InEarlyPosition | True, if you are in one of the early positions | None |
InEarlyPosition1 | True, if you are in EP1 (left to the big blind, right to EP2; this position exists only, if the game is at least 10-handed, otherwise the symbol will always be false) | None |
InEarlyPosition2 | True, if you are in EP2 (this position exists only, if the game is at least 9-handed, otherwise the symbol will always be false) | None |
InEarlyPosition3 | True, if you are in EP3 (this position exists only, if the game is at least 8-handed, otherwise the symbol will always be false) | None |
InLatePosition | True, if you are either CutOff or Button | None |
InMiddlePosition | True, if you are in one of the middle positions | None |
InMiddlePosition1 | True, if you are in MP1 (this position exists only, if the game is at least 7-handed, otherwise the symbol will always be false) | None |
InMiddlePosition2 | True, if you are in MP2 (this position exists only, if the game is at least 6-handed, otherwise the symbol will always be false) | None |
InMiddlePosition3 | True, if you are in MP3 (this position exists only, if the game is at least 5-handed, otherwise the symbol will always be false) | None |
InSmallBlind | True, if you are small blind | None |
InTheBlinds | True, if you are either small blind or big blind | None |
InUTG | True, if you are under the gun (left to the big blind), independent of the number of players at the table. This symbols is escpecially useful to sitout after the last hand of a session (before the next blind), but should not be used for positional play. Better use symbols like InEarlyPosition1 for selection of your starting hands. | None |
LastCallerPosition |
The position of the last caller
(big blind = 0, small blind = 1, then counter-clockwise till UTG = 9) |
First orbit preflop only |
LastRaiserPosition |
The position of the last raiser
(big blind = 0, small blind = 1, then counter-clockwise till UTG = 9) |
First orbit preflop only |
Position |
Our position relative to the other player, meant especially for postflop play. There are 3 positions at the table:
Position = First
Position = Middle
Position = Last
Middle is everything, that is neither first nor last.
None |
StillToAct | The number of opponents that have not yet acted in the hand when it is your turn, i.e. the players behind, including the blinds.
The Shanky-way to determine your preflop-position, but there are better symbols, e.g. InButton, etc., which can also be used in later orbits and in any betting-round.
Hello this site the best